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November 29 2004, 09:02 Agrarian Marketing Project

Cauliflower cheapened on 14% a week

In Ukraine cauliflower meets a dynamically growing demand in the recent years; this week the commodity cheapened on 14% on retail market according to evaluations carried out by the Market Information Specialists of Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP). Both minimum and maximum prices decrease was observed. In average, past week the consumers paid about USD $ 0.47/kg of cauliflower. Price decrease was determined by a supply growth of this commodity as a result of significant production decrease typical for this year.

We should mention that self-cost of cauliflower production is sufficiently higher than the self-cost of white-headed cabbage production. According to AMP specialists' evaluation, the self-cost of cauliflower production can reach USD $ 0.04-0.05/kg, while the self-cost of white headed cabbage production is within USD $ 0.007- 0.017/kg.

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