МЕТRО will open the fifth wholesale trading center in Odesa
The regional office of Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) informs that the opening of the fifth wholesale trading center METRO Cash&Carry in Ukraine is planned to be held in Odesa on the 12th of April 2005.
Despite of the fact that construction of the center is in progress, its specialists already started signing contracts on commodity supplies, including fresh fruits and vegetables. The farmers - AMP clients to this moment have already signed several contracts on supply of fresh vegetables and fruits of the new harvest.
It is worth mentioning that Odesa occupies one of the first places on the quantity of supermarkets per 100 thousand of inhabitants. Moreover, unlike other large cities, Odesa leading supermarkets belong to the local, not national supermarket chains. Strong position of the local chains on market led to the situation that the majority of national chains have not been able to enter Odesa market.
Besides, marketing specialists are unique to think that fruit and vegetable departments of Odesa supermarkets are much better developed than in the other cities; the specialists of fruit and vegetable commodity purchases from all regions of Ukraine are glad to adopt experience of their Odesa colleagues. That is why we can suppose that fruit and vegetable department of METRO will have to stand a rather strong competition.
At the same time, such a large but demanding buyer will enter fruit and vegetable market, and it is sure to cause a positive influence on infrastructure formation for this market; besides, farmers will possess the additional sales channel for fruit and vegetable merchandizing