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March 18 2005, 08:38 UNIAN

Railway department is not going to cancel car disinfection fee

"Ukrzaliznytsia" (Ukrainian railway department) is not going to cancel the charge for disinfection of cars, its Deputy General Director Mykhailo Mostovyi told reporters on March 17, UNIAN news agency informed.

Mostovyi reminded that the fee is chargeable by the enterprises outside of Ukrzaliznytsia's structure, having a licence for disinfection services of cars.

According to media reports, obligatory disinfection of cars was mandated by orders of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Health Care Ministry of Ukraine. The cost of disinfection is 219 hryvnias ($41) per car.

On March 2 General Director of Ukrainian Grain Association (UZA) Volodymyr Klimenko stated that UZA had already obtained the conclusion of Ukraine's Anti-Monopoly Committee about unlawfulness of charging additional payment for car disinfection procedure. Although, no changes have been made to this practice up to now.

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