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March 25 2005, 15:37 Agrarian Marketing Project

AMP monitoring: this week the retail prices on vegetables in Ukraine have remained stable

The prices on the major vegetable commodities have been stabilized, as it was proven by the results of retail price monitoring conducted on the markets of six oblasts of Ukraine where Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) works. The significant price increase on cabbage was observed only in Lviv oblast and Crimea; in the other regions the price has grown not more than on 5%.

During the past week the price on carrot has increased on 5-15%; to the specialists' opinion, it is caused by the depletion of the carrot reserves.

Potato has cheapened on 5-10% during the past week; the cheapest potato was sold on USD $ 0.11-0.13/kg on Zakarpattya markets, the most expensive potato was in Odesa and Crimea oblasts sold on USD 0.2-0.3/kg.

The prices on onion have decreased a little - on 2-7% - during the previous week. In Odesa and Crimea oblasts onion can be bought on USD $ 0.28-0.37/kg; in Lviv and Zakarpattya oblasts onion was more expensive - up to USD $ 0.56/kg.

The prices on greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes remained on the previous week level. Rather large price dispersion is observed between the regions with the powerful greenhouses and the regions without the great greenhouse production.

The prices on bananas, lemons, kiwi and oranges remained unchangeable.

Taking into consideration the other food stuff, the price on sugar have grown most significantly - on USD$ 0.02-0.05/kg.

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