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April 13 2005, 13:27 Agrarian Marketing Project

Poltava farmers master Pekinese cabbage

In 2005 the Poltava oblast producers plan to master the production of Pekinese cabbage, a new product to them. It was reported by Yuriy Konyaev, Market Information Specialist of Poltava office, Agricultural Market Project.

Initially it is planned to plant 1-3 ha of fields; if this kind of commodity proves to be profitable, in 2006 the acreage of Pekinese cabbage production lands will be increased significantly, as well as the number of this commodity producers. The tentative price planned by the producers is USD $ 0.19-0.25/kg in the period of mass ripening.

The self-cost of Pekinese cabbage production is somewhat higher than white cabbage production because of the technological peculiarities. Nevertheless, the seller can get a much higher margin for this vegetable crop

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