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May 13 2005, 12:43 Agrarian Marketing Project

The prices on early cabbage and cabbage of past year harvest have become equal

This week the prices on cabbage of this and past year harvest have become nearly equal. As Dmitriy Chernyak, the Market Information Specialist of Odesa office, Agricultural Marketing Project, informed, the retail prices on early cabbage were USD $ 0.69-0.89, and on past harvest cabbage - USD $ 0.69-0.79/kg by the end of this week on "Privoz" market, Odesa. The same situation is recorded for the wholesale prices, and the early cabbage is supplied by much greater volumes than "old" cabbage. The market players say that during two recent months the insufficient supply of cabbage has been observed, it led to the constant price growth on this commodity; the prices continue growing now. On the contrary, the price on early cabbage is rapidly decreasing.

We should mention that despite of the fact that first retail prices on early cabbage were about USD $ 3.96/kg both this and past year, the price is decreasing slower this year, still the volumes and first dates of its supply are comparable to the previous year. Past year at this period the retail price on early cabbage have been already USD $ 0.29-0.0.39/kg. No doubt, the known situation of 2003 cabbage overproduction influenced much the prices, as the price on past harvest cabbage dropped down to USD $ 0.13-0.17/kg this time in the previous year.

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