The supply of white cabbage of past year harvest dropped down to the minimum
For the first time in this season there are nearly no supplies of white cabbage of the previous year harvest on "Privoz" market, Odessa. It was reported by Dmitriy Chernyak, the Market Information Specialist of Odesa office, Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP). The maximum retail price on early cabbage has been decreased again to the past year level (this commodity has been recently offered on USD $ 0.69/kg). The market players explain this by the fact that the cabbage suppliers hurried to get rid of the past year harvest reserves because of the early cabbage supply growth and rapid price decrease on this commodity.
As we reported two weeks ago, on the background of the insufficient supply of white cabbage of the past year harvest, the price on this commodity (that time it amounted to USD $ 0.69-0.79/kg) and the price on early cabbage became equal. The market players consider it to be the reason of the supply increase, observed for white cabbage of the previous year harvest past week. The price on this commodity dropped down to USD $ 0.69/kg; at the same time, early cabbage raised in price on another USD $ 0.19/kg (in the end of past week this commodity cost USD $ 0.79-0.89/kg).