Vegetables in Ukraine cheapened significantly
During a couple of days the significant price decrease on vegetables was happening in Ukraine. Since the end of the previous week the prices on cabbage, tomato, cucumber, garlic, squash, egg-plant, strawberry and sweet cherry have gone down. The most significant price drop was observed on early cabbage which is sold today in wholesale on USD $ 0.19-0.23/kg on "Farmer" market in Kyiv. In the end of past week this commodity cost here more than USD $ 0.39/kg. Today in Kherson oblast early cabbage is supplied in wholesale on USD $ 0.11-0.15/kg. The wholesale price on squash decreased to USD $ 0.19/kg in Kyiv, and to USD $ 0.07-0.09/kg in Kherson oblast, though earlier this commodity cost USD $ 0.39/kg. The price on cucumber has dropped down in average on 50% since the previous week, on tomato - on 15-20%. The price on early red beets decreased on 20% in Kyiv.
The prices on carrot, early potato, onion, cauliflower, pepper decreased less significantly, on 5-7%. .
You can look for the wholesale prices on vegetable, fruit and berry commodities on the Agricultural Marketing Project web-site, link