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June 13 2005, 13:34 APK-Inform

Ukrainian grain will bring more profit if fed to livestock

Taking into account current price situation on Ukrainian grain market, main volume of grain will bring more profit if it is fed to livestock, said Agrarian Policy Ministry official.

He underlined that price growth for fuels and other energy resources as well as price drop for grains may lead Ukrainian agrarians to large losses. According to his words, the government evidently will not purchase grain to State Reserve. Therefore this space will be opened for grain traders, whose interests rarely coincide with producers' ones.

The governments has put minimal price for wheat Class 3 (top-quality) at $137 per tonne, while traders push it down to $79-89 per tonne. Under such price policy Ukrainian grain will be more profitable if it is fed to livestock, especially considering shortage of livestock products in Ukraine.

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