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July 22 2005, 10:40 Agrarian Marketing Project

The deficit of cabbage is observed in Kyiv, and the price on this commodity will go up

According to the information provided by the Wholesale Price Monitoring, Agricultural Marketing Project, the significant deficit of white cabbage was observed today on the wholesale market Farmer, the center of fruit and vegetable trade in Kyiv city. The price on cabbage grew up to USD 0.4-0.5/kg; by 8 a.m. there have been no bulk sets of cabbage on the market. The price on this commodity increased in the southern regions too. Today on Kopani market, Kherson oblast, the average price on cabbage was USD 0.5/kg. At the same time the price on this commodity is much lower in Lviv, not higher than USD 0.24/kg, still the deficit is recorded there too.

The market players forecast the further price growth on cabbage shortly in connection with the insignificant supply of the medium cabbage.

Such situation, to the analysts' opinion, is caused by the insufficient supply of cabbage in the off-peak time - the supply of early cabbage is minimal, and the medium or late cabbage has not started to be supplied on market in the significant volumes. Besides, the acreage of medium cabbage is insufficient. In this case we can expect the significant price decrease on cabbage only in the second half of August, when the late varieties of this vegetable will come on market.

We'll remind that this year the minimal price on early cabbage was down to USD 0.16/kg in Kyiv and USD 0.1-0.12/kg in the producing regions. As the production cost for early cabbage is higher than for the medium cabbage, the AMP specialists recommend the cabbage producers to think over this time, when early cabbage is leaving market, and at the same time the supplied volumes of medium cabbage are not enough.

According to the prognoses of the Agricultural Marketing Project, this year the cabbage production will be kept on the past year level; however, if the weather is favorable, the production may increase significantly - on 10-20%. If this situation takes place, the price on cabbage after the mass harvesting may be significantly lower than a year ago.

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