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November 15 2005, 09:12 Agrarian Marketing Project

Acreage of modern peach orchards continue extending in Ukraine

To the opinion of the experts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, 2005 may be crucial for Ukrainian peach producers. The first significant moment is that practically no old peach orchards have left in the country by the end of this year. The second notable moment was a rather sufficient acreage increase of new intensive orchards in the South of Ukraine.

Since recent years Ukrainian peach producers have started to establish relatively small intensive peach orchards using modern perspective varieties. At the same time hundreds of old and low-yielding orchards used to be grubbed. However, peach producers hesitated to increase productive acreage rapidly not having the stable sales channels. In 2005 the situation changed; the producers started to apply more actively modern post harvest handling technologies, packing and marketing practices. The processors realized the necessity to establish long-term, trustful relations with the producer. Plus dynamically growing supermarket chains needed more volumes of top quality produce, as Ukrainians with higher income are ready to pay good price for the quality.

Such changes let many Ukrainian peach producers reconsider the perspectives of this business. The farmers' assurance in peach production profitability was confirmed by the significant increase of intensive peach orchard acreage in the southern regions of Ukraine. Earlier predominantly Odessa farmers extended acreage of intensive peach orchards; this year Crimean farmers have contributed to orchard acreage growth too. The demand on peach seedlings increased significantly in fall 2005 that is the other proof to the growing interest to this crop. We'll mention that the farmers are also focusing on the establishment of new nectarine orchards.

So, approximately in three years we can expect the dynamically growing peach supply on Ukrainian market. However, to the opinion of AMP specialists, for the next 5-7 years the margin for demand growth is enough not to care about dramatic drop of this business profitability. You can get more information about the orcharding perspectives in Ukraine during the second international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2005" to be held in Kyiv on December 5th-7th 2005. To this moment, among the conference participants there are several large peach producers and associations, as well as wholesale companies and processing enterprises able to purchase large volumes of peach. Join the produce business professionals today!

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