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February 24 2006, 10:13

Sales volumes on Kyiv produce markets increased much as the frosts are over

As the frosts are over, the market activities have livened up in Kyiv, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" informs. According to the information provided by Anatoliy Yarovoy, the Price Monitoring Specialist of the Agricultural Marketing Project, fruit and vegetable supply and sales volumes increased much on the wholesale produce market "Farmer" (Troyeshchina rayon of Kyiv). There are lots of apples on market, mainly imported from Poland; the price on this commodity remains stable. Onion supply is also great; the price on this commodity has not been changed since the beginning of week, it remains on level of $ 0.45-0.5/kg. The supply of potato, red beets, cabbage, tomato and cucumber is sufficient. Potato and cabbage are sold on $ 0.45-0.5/kg, red beets cost $ 0.33-0.35/kg. Ukrainian greenhouse producers have not supplied tomato to the market yet; there are enough tomatoes imported from Turkey, Spain and Italy on $ 1.56/kg and more. The minimal price on imported cucumber is the same. The wholesale sets of Moldovan grape are sold on $ 2.15/kg.

There is a carrot shortage on market; the price on this product has grown once again. Medium-quality carrot costs $ 0.58/kg and more; low-quality carrot costs around $0.45/kg. And, the specialist pointed out the absence of garlic on market.

We'll remind that you can inquire the daily prices on Kyiv wholesale produce market "Farmer", "Shuvar" market in Lviv and "Kopani" market in Kherson oblast in "Agrooglyad: Vegetable and Fruit" weekly journal and on site

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