Green pea production is beating all records in Ukraine Green pea production is beating all records in Ukraine
According to the data of the official statistics, in 2005 the production of green pea for processing increased 77% comparing to 2004; it constituted 26,500 tons. It has been a top record production volume for the recent years. To the opinion of the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, the production growth is predetermined by the increased demand for canned green pea of the national origin on the inner market.
At present moment the Agricultural Marketing Project is conducting a survey jointly with "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal; the preliminary results of the survey show a high probability of another green pea acreage extension in 2006. Green pea is actually a single crop which acreage any of the surveyed producers is going to reduce. Moreover, only 15% producers do not plan to extend acreage of this crop.
And, according to the preliminary results, green pea acreage can increase 45-55%, and production volume is able to beat the record once more. It's worth mentioning that canneries mainly produce green pea by own means.
Please read the detailed production and price forecast 2006 for fruits and vegetables, including green pea, in the April issues of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal.