Fruit and vegetable import has grown 61% during first two months in 2006
Vegetable and fruit import to Ukraine increased 61% during January and February 2006 comparing to the same period of time past year. The data of the State Statistics Committee confirm this fact. The import structure changed much. In January-February 2005 the share of exotic fruits (bananas, oranges, tangerines, and lemons) reached 99% of the gross import volume; this year the exotic fruits share has reduced down to 55%. This trend was observed on the background of 13% import growth for exotic fruits.
The formed margin was filled with fruits and vegetables brought to Ukraine mostly due to the decreased import taxes, which came into force past year. One of the most significant changes to Custom Tariff is the decreased seasonal tax for apple and early potato import. Exactly these products captured the major import part instead of exotic fruits. Apple import has grown 410 times (!), potato import - 860 times (!) during January-February 2006. During this period of time apples reached 24% and potato 1.8% in the gross import structure.
The import growth in the magnitude occurred for the majority vegetable crops as well, though tax had not been decreased. The specialists explain this fact by the increasing demand and high prices for this year vegetables; and, the international relations are developing due to the legalized import. Supermarkets influenced the import increase as well, as they demand the suppliers to support constant fruit and vegetable assortment irrespective from the season.
Tomato import has increased 11 times, cucumber 2 times, cabbage 3 times, pepper 5 times in January-February.