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May 4 2006, 16:54

Garlic increased in price up to $ 2.9/kg in Odesa

The average price growth for garlic started late March; this week it has reached its peak in Odesa. The retail price does not usually exceed $1.56/kg, according to the results of the price monitoring being conducted on the central PRIVOZ market in Odesa for the recent two years. This week garlic price has jumped up to $2.94/kg. The market players explain this fact by the insufficient garlic supply observed past weeks.

Today the major part of the garlic for sale is of imported origin. Local producers have not paid proper attention to this crop.

However, vegetable market is being saturated with the traditional produce, so the growers have to search for new market niches. This year some farmers - clients of the Agricultural Market Project have added garlic to the crop structure. Some producers have up to 1 ha of garlic acreage. If the experience is successful, the local garlic production can increase significantly in the future years.

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