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May 22 2006, 15:56

Past weekend prices for early and greenhouse vegetables declined significantly in Lviv oblast

Wholesale prices for early cabbage decreased 26% comparing to past Friday on Lviv SHUVAR produce market. The price went down from $0.52/kg to 0.39/kg; the commodities are mostly of Zakarpattya origin. Long greenhouse cucumbers (mostly from greenhouse complexes from Ukrainian South and Center) declined 25% in price, in average from $1.27/kg to $0.96/kg. Short greenhouse cucumbers are produced by local greenhouse complexes; this product declined 23% in price from $1.27/kg to $0.98/kg. This information was provided by Sergey Havryshev, the Market Information Specialist of Lviv office, Agricultural Marketing Project to "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal.

The prices for short and long greenhouse cucumbers have almost equaled, unlike the previous years when short cucumbers were sold for higher price.

Price decrease is caused by both significant supply growth of early and greenhouse commodities, and less demand from the side of intermediaries from the other oblasts. The share of early and greenhouse commodities constitutes nearly one half of the total vegetable sales volumes.

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