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June 20 2006, 09:44

World banana production has grown 11% for seven recent years

World banana production has increased 11.1% since 1999; banana acreage has been extended 11.3% during this period of time. This information is provided by "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal referring to FAO data. Around 73 mln. tons of bananas were produced on the acreage of 4.5 mln. hectares in the world in 2005.

Bananas are grown in more than 100 countries, but first ten producers secure 75% of the gross production volumes. The world largest banana producers are India (16.8 mln. tons), Brazil (6.7 mln. tons), China (6.4 mln. tons), Ecuador (5.9 mln. tons). Apart from the mentioned countries, Philippines, Indonesia, Costa-Rika, Mexico, Thailand belong to ten leading producers. Burundi completes this list with 1.6 mln. banana production in 2005.

China has demonstrated the best success among other leading producers during 6 recent years. This country was able to build up banana production on 45% and to move from fifth to third place in the top banana producers' list. Brazil harvested 22% more bananas in 2005 comparing to 1999. Banana production has not changed much; Ecuador reduced 8% banana production volumes.

At the same time, Ecuador remains the largest banana supplier on the world market as it exports 80% of the produced commodities. Costa-Rika, Philippines, Colombia, Guatemala follow Ecuador in the list of the largest banana suppliers. India is the largest banana producer, but this country occupies only 41st place among other banana suppliers.

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