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August 21 2006, 13:29

Despite of oversupplied cheap cucumber, GLOBUS cannery failed to fulfill the processing plan

According to information provided to "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal by the specialists of Poltava office, Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP), GLOBUS cannery has failed to fully implement plans 2006 regarding canned cucumber production, despite of oversupply of cheap raw materials observed on market. GLOBUS cannery, Globino town, Poltava oblast, is one of the most powerful vegetable processing plants in the Central Ukraine.

Along with extremely low purchase price for cucumber this season, the cannery had supply contracts signed with cucumber producers in the oblast and southern regions of Ukraine, as well as modern equipment for vegetable processing. However, as for the present moment, the enterprise has been able to process only half of the planned 1,000 tons of cucumbers. Taking into consideration the fact that the cannery utilizes pasteurization line and automatic line for jars' filling with cucumbers, the results of enterprise work are hard to be called positive.

It sounds paradoxical, but, to the opinion of leading specialists of the enterprise, this situation is caused by abundant and chaotic supplies of raw materials. Raw materials used to be in shortage during two previous years, so the enterprise easily managed small inflows of vegetables for processing. The season 2006 uncovered the existing problems of the cannery. They are absence of thoroughly planned scheme of raw materials supply to the enterprise; lack of teamwork of all cannery departments in peak season for raw material supply.

Cannery management sees the solution in cooperation with large cucumber producers which have capacities to vary planting terms and harvesting terms respectively. At the same time, the Monitoring Specialists of the "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal had many occasions to hear complaints of large produce growers regarding contract obligations which GLOBUS cannery failed to fulfill. This fact can negatively influence the implementation of enterprise's plans in future.

At the present moment, according to information provided by Poltava AMP office, GLOBUS cannery is getting ready for the next processing season; they are going to can tomatoes, mixture of tomato and cucumber, and also lecho vegetable mix and egg-plants.

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