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August 18 2006, 14:44

Cherkasy processors will extend twofold the cucumber processing season due to generous amount of raw materials

Unlike two previous years, this season turned out to be quite successful for cucumber production. As a result of acreage extension and quite good yield, cucumber supply exceeds demand for this commodity. Respectively, this year the price for cucumber for processing is 30-50% (depending on size) lower comparing to the previous year.

According to information provided by Mr. M. Lazorenko, the Director of FAVORIT cannery, the enterprise plans to process 2.5 times more cucumber this year than in 2005. At the present moment the enterprise' capacities are fully loaded with cucumber. There are enough raw materials at the present moment. That's why the season of cucumber processing will last twice as long comparing to the previous year; it will approximately end mid September. The enterprise specialists do not forecast problems in sales of canned cucumber, cause nearly 70% of ready commodities have been already contracted.

AMP information. According to data of the official statistics, 213,600 tons of canned vegetables were produced in 2005 in Ukraine. This figure is 57.6% greater than in 2004. Cherkasy oblast leads vegetable canning business (21.8% of gross volume), Kherson oblast follows (16.6%). Odesa oblast produces 12.9% of the gross volume, Mykolaiv oblast - 8.7%, Zakarpattya oblast -8.5%. More than 65% of gross volume of canned vegetables are produced in these 5 oblasts of Ukraine.

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