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November 9 2006, 15:39

The consumption of fresh lettuce has increased nearly thrice in Ukraine during one year

According to the evaluations of the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, the consumption of fresh lettuce has significantly increased in large cities in Ukraine in 2006. It became possible due to the increased living standards of the inhabitants of large cities accompanied by the popularization of healthy food.

OLVITA company played a great role in promotion lettuce as a popular and healthy food. This year the company has regularly and rhythmically supplied the assortment of lettuces to the supermarkets in large cities of Ukraine. As a result, the inner lettuce production has significantly increased, and lettuce import has grown. According to our preliminary estimations, around 450 tons of lettuce will be imported to Ukraine in 2006. This record is 30% higher than in 2005. The inner lettuce production has increased more than thrice according to our estimations. So, the total inner consumption is able to grow 2.7 times comparing to the previous year.

The next step towards the increase of inner lettuce production and consumption was a new complex for lettuce washing, cutting and packing. The complex was opened yesterday by OLVITA company in Kyiv oblast. We should also note that this week OLVITA company has decided for the second time to become the sponsor of the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market" which is to be held in Kyiv on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" on December 5th-6th 2006. The report of Yuri Boguslavskiy, the Director of OLVITA company, is included to the conference program. He will speak on the perspectives of fresh produce trade development and the perspectives of cooperation with this company. Mr. Boguslavskiy will also share his experience of creation and development of Ukrainian lettuce market.

We remind that only around two weeks are left to register for participation in the event.

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