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November 15 2006, 18:59

Vegetable, fruit and berry processing is rapidly growing in Ukraine

According to information of the State Statistics Committee, in the period January to October 2006 the food industry enterprises increased 7.8% the commodity production comparing to the same period of time in 2005.

It is worth mentioning that vegetable and fruit processing is one of the most dynamically developing segments of food industry. The segment has grown 10.5% during the mentioned period. But, to the opinion of the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, the stated growth rates do not reflect the reality to the fullest extent.

According to their data, all segments of produce processing have increased this season, maybe except fruit processing into juice. The production of canned produce commodities, according to the preliminary results, has increased at least twice. Some enterprises have increased 3-4 times the volumes of canned commodities. And, many new companies appeared. The production of flash frozen vegetables, fruits and berries was growing by high rates too. A new segment of pickled and salted vegetables was formed on market. So, to the experts' opinion, the real rates of produce processing growth were significantly higher.

You can get interesting information about new niches on produce processing market and also listen to the opinion regarding the perspectives of the market development of industrial fruit and vegetable processing from the leading processors (CHUMAK, VITMARK (TM JAFFA) and others) during the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market" to be held on December 5th-6th 2006 in the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine". The registration of the conference participants ends on November 25th 2006, but, as of today, the limit of the participants' quantity has nearly reached the ceiling.

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