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November 16 2006, 12:05

Only 7% of Moscow people prefer buying vegetables in supermarkets

Referring to the data of the independent researching center ROMIR, Russian newspaper "Russia" outlined the preferences of Moscow people regarding fruit and vegetable purchase. According to the data, 33% of the inhabitants prefer to buy vegetables on agricultural markets (bazars), 18% - at street vendor points, 14% - in the grocery stores, 13% - in the greengroceries and only 7% - in supermarkets.

Talking about preferences regarding fruit purchase, 21% of Moscow people buy fruits on agricultural bazars, 17% - in groceries, 9% - in supermarkets and 7% - in greengroceries.

According to the results of the survey, bazar is still the most popular place to buy fruits and vegetables. There is a wide assortment of vegetables for the most affordable prices in season; but, it is easy to buy frost-injured produce in winter. The respondents mentioned dirt, poor trade infrastructure, low level of vendors' work, a high probability to be cheated as the drawbacks of the bazars. To the opinion of the inhabitants of the capital, the advantages of street fruit and vegetable trade are convenient location of the vendor point (usually near the metro stations), relatively low prices, and ability to work till late hour.

They mention a low level of service and sometimes poor quality of the produce to be the main disadvantage. Some buyers attend groceries; they are attracted by the possibility to buy vegetables and some other commodities at the same time. But, this type of buyers mentioned a limited produce assortment and relatively low quality of fruits and vegetables. Some responders, especially whose who belong to the older age group, prefer to buy vegetables in the specialized shops (greengroceries). They appreciate the produce quality control (contrary to bazars) and moderate prices (comparing to the prices in supermarkets and common shops). Supermarkets attract Moscow people by high-quality produce, convenient packages and high level of service. To their opinion, the main drawback is a high price level.

The Agricultural Marketing Project is researching now the preferences of the inhabitants of Ukraine; the results of this survey will be presented on the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market".

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