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January 30 2007, 13:24

Ukrainian wholesalers import dessert apple from Austria

The trade sources have informed that the apples of Austrian origin appeared on Ukrainian market. Some wholesalers are about to give up purchasing Polish apples: despite of the low price for this product, Polish apples are very poorly stored. The specialists say that Austrian apples have perfect marketable look, they are stored well. The prices for apple imported from Austria are in average 50-70% higher than the prices for apple imported from Poland.

To the opinion of the specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, working on Ukrainian market, the wholesale companies still prefer buying apples of Polish origin. The purchases of apples directly from Polish producers let the wholesalers have a very good price. The vendors often supply bulb onion to Poland; this product provides a very good exporting opportunity nowadays. They deliver cheap Polish apples on the way back to Ukraine: this product successfully competes as for price and quality on Ukrainian produce market.

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