The prices for cabbage increased in Kyiv
According to information provided by the price monitoring service of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, the price growth for white cabbage has been recorded today in Kyiv. The price increase was mostly the case for the quality produce; the price increased 15-20% comparing to the beginning of this week. The maximum price level is reaching $0.23/kg at the present moment. The vendors explain the situation by the increased expenses for the additional handling of cabbage heads which have lost marketable look during the storage.
Still, the cabbage is twice as cheap now comparing to the same period of time past year, even if the price increase is taken into account. This situation quite fully reflects the forecast of the Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) done in September 2006. In particular, 11-15% increase of cabbage production and the possibility of the fair prices for this product were mentioned in the forecast. At the same time, the AMP specialists prognose that the prices for cabbage will further increase; they will reach the level of $0.29-0.35/kg by the end of spring 2007.