The assortment of citrus fruits significantly extended on Ukrainian market
According to information provided by the analysts of ""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal", the significant extension of citrus fruits assortment (orange, lemon and tangerine) is observed on Ukrainian market this year. To the specialists' opinion, the reason is that Ukrainian market is "getting older"; the buyers constantly lift up their requirements to fresh produce.
The suppliers stimulate this process too; they try to preserve the rates of citrus fruits consumption by means of the extended assortment of the supplied produce. The extension of the citrus fruits assortment became possible due to the increased number of the countries - produce suppliers, and also more varieties and types of citrus fruits imported to Ukraine. In addition to the traditional oranges, lemons, grapefruits and tangerines we see clementines and limes for sale. The supplies of other exotic fruits grow as well, such as kiwi, pineapple, persimmon, feijoa, mango, avocado, pomegranate, papaya, coconuts, kiwiano, rambutan, tamarillo, physalis, cheremoya, figs, pomelo, carambol, pitakhaya, kumquat, pipino, litchi, logan , linquats, etc. We'd like to point out that the assortment extension is recorded for the whole produce segment.
According to the data of the daily wholesale price monitoring conducted by "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, the price fluctuation increased more than 50% for citrus fruits in 2007. This figure was the most significant for orange, because the difference between the maximal and minimal prices for this product often constituted 100%. The consumption of bananas has been steadily growing on the country market for several recent years; but, the price for this product is not fully uniform. The prices for bananas fluctuate due to many banana types supplied on market. To the experts' opinion, the competition on the exotic fruit market of Ukraine will result in the further assortment extension, market consolidation and the beginning of the vertical integration of the market players.