Fruits in Crimea will cost less this year than in 2006
According to evaluations of the Ministry of Agriculture of AR Crimea, this year the Republic plans to harvest 59.7 thousands of tons of fruits and 98.2 thousands of tons of grape. These figures are larger than in the previous year: there will be 27,300 tons, or 84.3% more fruits and 52,500 tons, or 115% more grape. The harvest of pome fruits in Crimea is forecasted this year to reach the level of 36,100 tons, stone fruits - 23,200 tons.
According to the forecasts of the analysts pf CIS produce business periodical ""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal", the harvest of fruits and berries will grow 40% comparing to the previous year in Ukraine. Grape harvest will be 55-65% higher; more than twice as much peach will be harvested.