August 21 2007, 09:13
According to information from CIS fruit and vegetable business weekly "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits, despite the forecasts about growth in cultured blueberry (American) production, and rise in harvesting of wild blueberry, prices for this berry in Poland are breaking all the records. During the season of mass harvesting, blueberry prices reach as high as UAH 20-27 per kilo in recalculation to Ukrainian currency, and nowadays they rose to UAH 30 per kilo. In some cases blueberry can be sold wholesale for UAH 35/ kilo. According to Polish analysts opinion, the crop for blueberry proved to be much lower than it was previously expected. Early light frost in May affected the harvest of both cultured and wild blueberries negatively, which was reflected by their prices. Besides, some price support was caused by slight decrease in harvesting of wild blueberry in Ukraine and Russia. Topic materials
According to Polish analysts opinion, the crop for blueberry proved to be much lower than it was previously expected. Early light frost in May affected the harvest of both cultured and wild blueberries negatively, which was reflected by their prices. Besides, some price support was caused by slight decrease in harvesting of wild blueberry in Ukraine and Russia.