Russian largest retail chains will participate in the second international conference “Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007”
Purchasers’ center will be conducted in the framework of the second international conference “Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007”, to be held on October 23rd-25th 2007 in the Expocenter in Krasnaya Presnya, Moscow. The purchasers and managers of fruit&vegetable departments of Russian largest chains: “Metro”, “Billa”, “Perekryostok”, “Lenta”, “Magnit”, “7th continent”, “Paterson”, “Kopeyka” and others will participate in the event.
In the framework of the international forum "How to enter retail chains and successfully work with them" the speakers will make a number of presentations covering the peculiarities of work with the retail chains, the specifics of the assortment formation, the statistics of the fruit&vegetable retail trade development, as well as other issues. You will find the full program of this forum here.
Purchasers’ center provides the suppliers of fruits&vegetables with the opportunity to meet and communicate in one place with the purchasers of fruits and vegetables for Russian retail chains, and to make them proposals.
To participate in the forum "How to enter retail chains and successfully work with them" and the Purchasers’ center, you need to register for participation in the conference “Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007” here.
LLC Imperia manages the forum "How to enter retail chains and successfully work with them" and the Purchasers’ center.