Unifer company will sponsor the conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader"
LLC Unifer, one of Ukrainian leading suppliers of the modern technologies for vegetable production, orcharding and vineyard management has decided to sponsor the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv.
LLC Unifer represents 15 foreign companies from 11 countries of 4 continents in Ukraine; it offers the growers of fruits and vegetables all elements of the progressive planting to harvesting technologies. In particular, the company is known for the supplies of the specialized equipment for orchard and vineyard management (machinery for soil cultivation, seeders, transplant planting machines, sprinkling equipment, harvesters for onion, carrot, tomatoes, potato, cabbage and grape); full service support is provided on the territory of Ukraine. Unifer also represents Vuksal top fertilizer in Ukraine, and a broad variety of plant protection assets, the best professional seeds of vegetable crops, the assortment of the irrigation systems, mini meteorological stations to forecast the development of pests and diseases, and the most advanced and economical greenhouse technologies.
The program of the conference presupposes the reports of the representatives and the clients of Unifer companies about such urgent issues, like the scientific support of vegetable production projects on commercial cultivation areas, the mechanized harvesting of vegetables and top dressing of the palnts by micro-fertilizers in vegetable production and orchard management. We invite all farmers and producers of fruits and vegetables to participate in the conference and to personally learn about the opportunities provided by the modern technologies of LLC Unifer. You can fill in the online registration form for the conference participants here.
We'd like to mention that Unifer company was founded in 2001 as a joint project of Chumak company and Aventis/Bayer Cropscience; it was called "Unifermag" that time. The company actively participated in the implementation of the advanced technologies of vegetable production in the southern region of Ukraine, in Kherson region in particular. The company offered to the farmers high-quality seeds, drip irrigation systems, micro-fertilizers and modern machinery. In September 2005 Chumak company sold its share to Dirk Rakov, the Director of the enterprise.