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October 15 2007, 08:55

Consumption of banana and citrus fruits in Ukraine, Russia and Poland may sharply increase in season 2007/08

In October 2007 the prices for banana, orange, lemon and tangerine in Ukraine and Poland are significantly higher than at the same period of time past year - the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly inform. The price growth for these products was less sharp in Ukraine than in Poland.

As of today, Ukrainian banana importers sell their products in average 53% as more expensive than in 2006; Polish importers sell their products for 63% higher price than a year ago. The wholesale shipment of lemons costs 21% as expensive than mid October 2006 in Ukraine, and as large as 86% more expensive than in mid October 2006 in Poland. Tangerine got expensive the least - +31% in Poland and only +2% in Ukraine. Orange prices are 8% as high in Ukraine and 57% as high in Poland.

In addition to the negative weather conditions in the main regions of banana and citrus fruits production, the reduction of the own apple harvest and high prices for these products contributed to the price growth for the exotic fruits in Poland. With the account to the potential price growth for apples in Poland, Ukraine and Russia, we can expect that the consumption of citrus fruits and bananas will sharply increase in these countries. This fact will stimulate even more dramatically increased demand for these products.

Georgia is one of a few countries of the region, where the harvest of citrus fruits and apples will considerably increase in 2007. That's why the importers will get a good opportunity to visit the conference and business tour "Frutis and Vegetables of Caucasus 2007" to be held November 27th-29th 2007. The program of forum and business tour includes the trip round almost the whole Georgia and visits to several fruit&vegetable business enterprises. The participants will see all stages, from production to processing, post harvest handling, packing and sales of fruits, fresh herbs and nuts. You can register for participation in the event here.

We'd also like to point out that the issues of the perspectives of fruit&vegetable imports to Russia and Ukraine will be considered in the framework of the CIS largest specialized fruit&vegetable conferences: "Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia. Wealth of New Opportunities" and "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader".

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