Ukrainian fruit&vegetable importers are actively searching for new apple suppliers in EU countries and Eastern Europe
Despite of the significantly increased apple production in Ukraine in 2007, the analysts of CIS produce periodical "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly think that Ukrainian apple will not be enough to cover the increasing needs of the inner market because of the deficit for modern storages. Meanwhile the demand the apple continues increasing on the background of the sharply increased prices for bananas. Banana is a direct competitor of apple in fruit&vegetable departments of supermarkets and city markets (bazars).
At the same time, the experts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" have already informed, there will be no cheap Polish apple this season, although it used to compensate apple deficit on Ukrainian market in winter period. As of today, the prices for apple have already been twice as large in Poland than at the same period of time in 2006. Although Polish producers are still planning to export certain volumes of apple to Ukraine, they admit that these volumes will be insignificant comparing to the previous season. Most probably, Polish players will supply to Ukraine apples produced in the other EU countries. In this regard the question is open - how to satisfy apple shortage.
That's why the representatives of the national wholesale companies have already been searching for apple suppliers in Moldova, Belgium, Italy, Holland, Georgia and other countries. They forecast the reduction of imported supplies to Ukraine and, as a consequence, the higher prices set by the national farms in winter and spring period. The enterprises - owners of CA storages are trying to load the maximum volumes of apples for a long-term storage; they plan to start sales season not earlier than in May 2008.
A good opportunity to find apple suppliers in Georgia (which has a record harvest of apples, tangerines and other fruits) will occur due to the participation in the conference and business tour "Frutis and Vegetables of Caucasus 2007" to be held November 27th-29th 2007. The best experts of the industry will present the details of the forecasted fruit&vegetable import to Ukraine during the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. To participate in the event, you can fill in the online registration form.