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October 17 2007, 08:52

Trans-Dniester: Kamenskiy cannery started processing mushrooms

Kamenskiy cannery launched a workshop for oyster mushroom production and processing. The enterprise management informed the journalists of "New Region", the new introduction occurred because of the losses of agricultural production caused by drought and, as a result, on the raw material base of the plant.

"At the present moment a first shipment of marinated mushrooms is ready; it will be shipped to trade chain of Trans-Dniester in the coming days", the enterprise representatives informed. They also specified that the plant plans to produce canned meat, meat paste and cereal with meat; also, the line for packing of juice-containing drinks and sparkling water has been opened.

These days the production of concentrated apple juice continues on Kamenskiy cannery. Since the beginning of the season the enterprise has purchased around 5,500 tons of apples from Dubossarskiy, Rybnitskiy and Kamenskiy districts, the plant management added. According to the specialists' forecasts, apple processing will be finished by October 25th.

In 2004 Closed JSC "Kamenskiy cannery" was on the edge of bankruptcy - the enterprise was privatized under participation of Trans-Dniester joint-stock commercial bank "Gasprombank". After the modernization the enterprise resumed fruit and vegetable production; however, the management has been recently production decline.

The plant specializes on the production of squash paste, marinated and canned tomatoes, apple juice, plum paste, canned green pea and corn. The products of Kamenskiy cannery are supplied to Russia, Slovenia, Poland, Austria and Kazakhstan.

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