EU needs for imported apple concentrate will increase up to 1.2 mln. tons in 2007 - "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits"
According to evaluations of CIS produce periodical "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly, the need of the EU countries for imported apple concentrate will sharply increase in 2007. The main reason of the increased imports of apple concentrate is the decreased inner production as a consequence of poor apple harvest in Poland and other eastern countries in EU, and also the demand growth for fruit juices and juice-containing drinks in EU countries.
In 2006 all EU countries imported around 1 mln. tons of apple concentrate; according to our estimations, in 2007 the imports will amount to 1.2 tons despite of the increasing world prices. The demand for imported apple concentrate will continue increasing in the EU countries. Actually, the expected decline of this commodity production in China is able to somewhat correct the forecasted increase of imports. The main importers of apple concentrate in the EU are Germany, Austria, Great Britain and Holland.
Ukraine is one of a few European countries where the production of apple concentrate will quite significantly increase in 2007. According to our estimations, the increase of apple concentrate production in Ukraine may amount to 15-20%. Georgia is the other country of the region, where the sharp growth of apple concentrate production is expected. The record apple harvest is gathered there in 2007; several new plants for apple concentrate production have been launched this year. By the way, the participants of the forum and business tour "Frutis and Vegetables of Caucasus 2007", to be held November 27th-29th 2007, will visit two enterprises which produce apple and tangerine concentrate.
A good opportunity to find new suppliers of apple concentrate from Ukraine (Ukrainian concentrate is characterized by high acidity) will be provided for the EU importers of apple concentrate due to the participation in the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. Large and medium producers of apple concentrate will participate in this event. To participate in the event, please fill in the online registration form.