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November 14 2007, 17:26

Ukraine: wholesale companies refuse purchasing imported cucumbers and tomatoes

Ukrainian wholesale companies are not interested now in purchases of imported cucumbers and tomatoes. The experts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" provide this information with the reference to market players.

According to the data coming from the companies-importers, first shipments of cucumber and tomato of Turkish origin started entering inner market as soon as in the beginning of month. However, the trade performance of these products is unsatisfactory at the present moment.

Despite of the practically full absence of national tomato on market, the wholesale companies refrain to purchase Turkish tomato, primarily because of a high price for this product. As of today, the price for wholesale shipment of imported tomato is $1.4-1.6/kg on the inner market - to the buyers' opinion, this price is rather expensive.

Price situation in the segment of imported cucumber is directly opposite: the wholesale shipment of such product costs $ 1.2-1.5/kg; at the same time, the wholesale prices for national greenhouse cucumber seldom decline lower than $1.8/kg.

Nevertheless, the consumers on Ukrainian market prefer working with the national greenhouses, because they provide products of much higher quality than imported cucumbers and tomatoes.

It is also worth mentioning that, with the account to the seasonal decline of the national cucumber and tomato supply, many wholesalers do not purchase these products at all at the present moment.

However, the importers hope the market situation to principally change in 2-3 weeks. According to their forecasts, the share of imported tomato and cucumber will soon be increasing on market; most probably, price decline will follow this process. In its turn, price decline will lead to more active purchases done by wholesale companies and consumers in retail trade.

You will learn the details of the potential of the external trade of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine during the fourth international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". The event will take place on the 4th of December 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" and will last for three days. To participate in the event, you need to fill in online application form.

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