Lemon sales reduced twofold in Ukraine
According to information of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", the demand for lemon has noticeably declined since recently on Ukrainian market; to the experts' opinion, this situation is directly stimulated by high prices this season.
We have already informed that first shipments of Turkish lemons entered Ukrainian market for in average 40% higher prices than in the previous year. The main reason for the prices to increase was a noticeably declined lemon harvest in Turkey. This country is one of the main suppliers of citrus fruits on the territory of Ukraine in autumn-winter period.
Lemon prices continue increasing right now in Ukraine: according to the data of the monitoring by "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", as of today, the price range has increased up to $1.6-1.8/kg on the wholesale market; at the same period of time past year the prices varied within the limits $0.7-1/kg.
In this regard many wholesale companies had to reduce the purchased volumes; they referred to the slowed down rates of lemon sales in the retail trade.
However, the importers think that the sales situation will improve soon - their forecasts are predetermined by the traditionally increased demand for lemon and citrus fruits in winter period.
You will be able to learn about main trends on the national and global markets of citrus and exotic fruits during the fourth international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". The event will take place on the 4th of December 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" and will last for three days. To participate in the event, you need to fill in online application form.