Seasonal price growth for apple started in Russia
The analytic service of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly informs, the steady seasonal price growth for apple started past week in Russia. According to our estimations, the average price growth for marketable apple has amounted to around $0.04-0.06/kg, or approximately 5-7% since the previous week. Apples of medium and low quality even got expensive in many regions, because the holders of such apples hurried to sell the products. The prices for commercial apples have almost not increased because of the same reason.
One of the reasons for marketable apples to increase on fresh market of Russia was the reduced supplies of quality products of Russian origin. According to market players, the most quality products have already been loaded to storages; the prices for imported products are in average 1.5-2.0 times as high than the prices for Russian apple. According to the forecasts of market players, the average prices for apple will increase quite dynamically in the coming weeks. The price will come close to the prices for imported apple which will prevail on market.
We'd like to remind that apple production has dramatically decreased in almost all countries of Eastern Europe but for Ukraine. That's why Russian wholesale companies and retail chains are actively looking now for the opportunity to purchase wholesale shipments of apples from Ukrainian producers. Some of them are planning to participate in the wholesale-retail center which will be held for the first time in Ukraine, in the framework of the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" on the 4th-6th of December 2007 in Kyiv. We'd like to remind that there are only five days left till the end of registration of the participants of the conference and wholesale-retail center!