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November 20 2007, 08:49

Ukrainian largest wholesale market decided to provide an official trade sponsorship to the conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader"

The largest wholesale food market of Ukraine Regional Agrarian Center "Shuvar" decided to support the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" on the 4th-6th of December 2007 in Kyiv on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine". "Shuvar" company will be the official trade sponsor of the event - it will confirm the leader's position among wholesale markets which provide trade floors for the sales of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Roman Stepanovich Fedyshyn, General Director of LLC "Shuvar" is planned to speak at the conference - he will tell the participants about the development of the wholesale market chain and company's plans regarding the further development of the Regional Agrarian Center. Roman Stepanovich is the Deputy of the 4th and 5th calls of Lvov Municipal Council and the member of the Council Board of the Foundation of wholesale markets of Central and Eastern Europe. Also, the company will actively participate in the wholesale-retail center.

According to the development concept of the Regional Agrarian Center "Shuvar", it should become the inherent part of the infrastructure of agrarian market both of the Western region of the country and Ukraine in general. This project is implemented in the format of multifunctional logistics complex, which will unite the warehouse, production, trade and office formats of commercial estate. These formats are united into the complex because of the unique idea of the creation of the fully-featured agrarian center, as the venue to gather together all wholesale players of agrarian sector, the representatives of state and non-governmental organizations of Ukraine, commercial representative offices of foreign states, financial, logistics, consulting and many other companies.

The convenient location on the border with four EU countries and on the crossroad of many international car and railway routes is the recipe of success for "Shuvar". At the present moment around 3,000 of the wholesale buyers come to market on a daily basis; 38% of them are the representatives of HoReCa sector, 22% - regional wholesalers, 18% - representatives of retail trade, 15% - wholesalers of the other regions and 7% - other market players. In total, the players of 16 regions of Ukraine actively take the services of the center.

LLC "Shuvar" invites all players of fruit & vegetable market to participate in the conference. We'd like to remind that there are only four days left till the end of registration of the participants of the conference and wholesale-retail center!

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