Onion production increased 6% in EU
Onion production amounted to 4.86 mln. tons in 2007 in EU countries, or 6% as more than past year. EU-15 harvested 4.04 mln. tons, and production increased 7%. Ten new EU members harvested 0.82 mln. tons (2% as much than in the previous year), Ebronisze.pl portal informs.
Germany, France, and Holland increased onion production more than 10% this year; Poland harvested 10% more onion. At the same time, onion harvest in Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic declined comparing to the previous year.
So, in 2007 the leading onion producers in EU estimate the production volumes as follows: Spain - 1.17 mln. tons, Holland - 0.97 mln. tons, Poland - 0.65 mln. tons, Germany - 0.37 mln. tons, France and Great Britain - 0.36 mln. tons each. Onion production quite significantly declined this season in Ukraine - but still it surely belongs to three leaders of onion production in Europe. It yields only to Holland and Spain.
You will learn about the perspectives of production and exports of onion from Ukraine from the presentations of of the leading experts of this industry during the fourth international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" on the 4th-6th 2007 in Kyiv.