Potato yield increased 37% in Sumskaya region in 2007
Vladimir Sapsay, the First Deputy of the Chief of Sumskaya Region State Administration, inform during the briefing about 37% increase potato yield in Sumskaya region. This information is provided by Dankor.online.
According to estimations done by the analysts of CIS produce business weekly "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", potato production increased 7% in 2007 in Ukraine. "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" informs, the production growth amounted to 11% in forest-steppe zone, to which Sumskaya region belongs. The production increase became possible in Ukraine mostly due to the extended cultivation areas. At the same time, potato yield remained on 2006 level.
We'd like to remind that the largest producers and consumers of potato and other types of fruits and vegetables (processors, wholesale companies and supermarkets) are gathering in Kyiv on the 4th-6th of December to participate in the fourth international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". As of today, more than 300 professionals of fruit & vegetable business from 16 countries have confirmed their participation in the event.