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January 10 2008, 17:52

Tyumen cucumbers and tomatoes will enter shop shelves in February

Tyumen cucumbers and tomatoes will enter the shelves of the city shops not earlier than in February. At the present moment greenhouse farms grow and plant special transplants.

Alexander Shalamov, Deputy Director of "Prigorodnoye" LLC informed the journalist of NewsProm.Ru that usually Tyumen cucumbers are ready to harvest mid February. Past year one kilo of fresh vegetables cost around $ 4.08/kg.

One month after cucumbers, in March fresh Tyumen tomatoes usually enter the shelves. Past year this product cost around $3.26-3.67/kg. There has been no information yet how much consumers have to pay for fresh vegetables this year.

The interviewee told that the first price for Tyumen vegetables is the highest. "When we harvest first shipment, there are only dozens of kilos of such vegetables. In 5-6 days we usually harvest up to one ton of vegetables, so the price declines at once. For example, if first cucumbers cost $4.08/kg, they will cost $2.44-2.65/kg in one week and a half", he explained.

Now the cost of fresh vegetables significantly exceeds the cost of fruits on the shop shelves. So, in some shops one kilo of tomatoes cost $8.89/kg, one kilo of cucumbers - $6.85/kg, and this is only the beginning. However, high price does not matter for many Tyumen people. According to the doctors' assurances, fresh vegetables are healthy for the organism. And, health is worth money.

Mr. Shalamov points out that several parameters differentiate Tyumen vegetables from their "competitors". Freshness is considered as one of the advantages of Tyumen vegetables. Cucumbers and tomatoes are harvested in 7-8 o'clock in the morning, and they are on the shop shelves by 9 o'clock.

Talking about vegetables grown in Uzbekistan and other regions, they are produced in the open ground. Such vegetables come to Tyumen late May - early June, that's why there is no competition here.

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