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February 1 2008, 11:02

Melnik forecasts problems for Ukrainian vegetable producers after Ukraine enters WTO

Yuri Melnik, the Minister of Agrarian Policy admits the possibility of problems in Ukrainian sugar, milk and vegetable industries of agriculture after Ukraine enters World Trade Organization. He told about this fact during Thursday press conference, "Ukrainian News" informs.

"There are surely risks for some industries (after Ukraine enters WTO) - they are sugar industry, milk production, vegetable industry", he said.

He explained that these industries are based on very small farms which are not always able to correspond to WTO requirements to the quality standards.

The Minister emphasized, the requirements to the candidates to WTO members are more rigid than to the organization members.

He added that nobody was going to make any rebates for Ukraine to enter this organization. There are two major parameters, quality and competitiveness of the products - if Ukraine meets them, the country will be able to normally work in WTO framework.

"Ukraine has agricultural potential; if this potential is implemented by means of the industries which products are the most demanded on the global markets, the country will donate the problematic industries due to the successful ones", he observed.

The Minister stresses: it will be possible if there is relevant sensible and balanced state policy.

According to the provided information, working group on Ukraine's entrance to WTO approved the report of our country.

The meeting of WTO General Council is planned for February 5th.

The President Yuschenko is sure that the decision about Ukraine's entrance to WTO will be made on this meeting.

The participation in WTO let national products get free access to the markets of other countries, and foreign products will enter Ukrainian market.

WTO unites more than 150 countries.

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