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June 11 2008, 09:12

Oyster mushroom - the world leader among the consumed cultivated mushrooms

During the third international conference "Mushroom Industry 2008" the Director of Moscow mushroom production school analyzed the situation on the global market of the cultivated mushrooms. He pointed out that the oyster mushrooms are still occupying the leading positions as for the volumes consumed. To the contrary to the low popularity of the oyster mushroom in Europe and America, the greatest volumes of this mushroom production and consumption are recorded in Asian countries.

Also, the dynamically increasing production and consumption of shiitake have been observed in the recent years primarily in Asian countries. Shiitake may possibly force champignon out of the second place of the produced volumes in the world in the coming years.

According to the data of "Fruit-Inform" analysts, the volume of Ukrainian market of cultivated mushrooms reaches 40-45,000 tons; oyster mushroom makes not more than 5-7% of this volume. However, the oyster mushroom production is dynamically developing in our country, so that we hope for the further increase of this mushroom consumption. Moreover, the prices for oyster mushroom are lower in Ukraine than in the EU countries.

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