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August 12 2008, 15:38

Russian processors started apple procurement

The processing enterprises of Russia started forming raw material base of apples.

According to the data of ”Fruit-Inform” project, to date, the purchasing prices of the enterprises vary within $0.12-0.18/kg that corresponds to the level of the last year.

According to the processors, the stable price level can be explained by good harvest of early varieties of apples in the farms. At that, the producers report about good prospects of medium and late varieties of apples. However, the experts consider that this would not cause drastic reduction in purchasing prices as this segment of the market remains to be unbalanced. Demand for industrial apples annually increases proportionally to the growth of number of enterprises interested in processing of this product, at that, every year the processors face the problems while purchasing of the required volumes of raw material.

More detailed information about prospects of the processing industry in Russia and Ukraine will be presented to all participants of the branch conferences: the Third International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2008” and the Fifth International Conference “Vegetables and Fruits of Ukraine 2008””. Information about theses conferences is presented here.

Let us remind that the companies, prepaid their participation in the conferences till beginning of September, are granted with discounts!

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