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October 29 2008, 17:19

Ukraine: farmers not to plan reducing agrarian lands

Producers of fruits and vegetables have to revise investment plans due to difficulties with receiving of long-term credits. According to the information provided by the specialists of Fruit-Inform project, at the moment many farms decided to reduce spending on equipment purchasing.

Earlier, farmers solved the problem of rash increasing of costs for manual labor by mechanization of planting, harvesting and handling. But at the moment, when credit resources have become inaccessible, producers have to recruit labor force. At that, farmers expected that number of agrarian workers would increase due to increase of unemployment rate throughout the country.

At the same time farmers do not plan to reduce agrarian lands under vegetables. On the contrary, some farmers reckon that they will manage to extend agrarian area in the next year.

You can get the detailed forecast of economic crisis impact on fruit and vegetable industry development in Ukraine and Russia during the largest conferences in the CIS: the Third International Conference "Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia - 2008" and the Fifth International Conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2008".

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