Ukraine: decrease of tomato paste supply to cause imports increase
According to the information provided by the specialists of Fruit-Inform project, lack of supply of aseptic domestic tomato paste is observed on the Ukrainian market. Most specialists reported that low tomato harvest and high prices for tomatoes are the main reasons of the current situation. Despite the preferences of many processors to work with Ukrainian aseptic, at the moment they have to purchase imported produce. It should be noted that supply of imported tomatoes on the domestic market slightly increased compared to the last year and the main volumes are delivered from China.
Due to high demand and increase of foreign currency exchange course prices for imported tomato paste increased by 30%, compared to the last year. At the moment, prices for imported aseptic are declared within a range of 12-15% depending on the volume of lot, whereas during the last season prices were declared at 1.3 euro/kg.
The detailed information about prospects of tomato market in Ukraine will be presented during the Fifth International Conference "Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine 2008". To participate in the conference, an application form should to be filled.