Nikolaev port wants Belorussian transits
According to management of Nikolaev trading seaport, the port has embarked upon the course of steady shipments of Balorussian transits, the volumes of which decreased last year 33.4 percent (to 666,000 tonnes, 59,2 percent of total transit through the port).
Despite fierce competition - both international (Baltic ports of Ventspils and Klaipeda) and local (private terminal Nika-Terra, Nikolaev) - the port wants to keep control over the shipments of Belorussian mineral fertilisers. It has been planned to expand storage facility for chlorine-potassium up to 50,000 tonnes by way of constructing second closed storehouse for 30,000 tonnes (investment due to be made by Blorussian company Greentour). For the port to be capable of shipping cargoes up to 50,000 tonnes, it has been scheduled to deepen the bottom of the port's water area up to 10.5 metres.
The port is counting on increasing its competitiveness due to expected growth of tariffs for transhipment of Belorussian cargos by Baltic ports after Baltic countries accession to the EU. It is also planned to develop the schemes of delivering Belorussian cargos to Nikolaev with the use of inland waterways of Belarus and Ukraine - Pripyat-Dnepr-Dnepr-Bug Canal.