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March 24 2003, 15:20

Russia: sowing campaign delayed 2 weeks because of weather

Sowing campaign in Russia is delayed for two weeks because of unfavourable weather conditions. Farms of the country to the moment have sown just 60,000 hectares against 600,000 a year ago, Russian Minister of Agriculture Aleksey Goreyev said to President Putin at a meeting.

According to Agriculture Ministry, general sown areas for grains and pulses in Russia this year will be 47.5 million hectares, the same as in 2002. About 3 million hectares of winter crops will have to be reseeded. According to preliminary estimates, loss of winter crops to severe winter weathers has constituted 20 percent. This will entail a 12 to 15 percent increase in the volume of spring fieldwork. This year's grain crop is forecast to constitute 65 to 75 million tonnes.

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