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June 14 2003, 20:22 APK-Inform

Commercial banks increase crediting farm complex

The chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Sergey Tigipko communicating with journalists after selector meeting on questions of a situation in an agriculture and ways of overcoming of natural disaster in branch has analysed a situation with crediting agrarian and industrial complex.

As he said, the Ukrainian landowners have received for the last 5 months 27 % credits more than for a corresponding period of the last year. This sum has made more than 3.2 billion hryvnia.

Однако доля невозвращенных кредитов составляет 9%, при том, что во всех отраслях средний показатель по Украине составляет 4%. However the share of not returned credits makes 9 % while in other branches across Ukraine it makes 4 %.

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