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July 30 2003, 12:17 APK-Inform

President replaced governors of some regions

President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma by his decrees have dismissed the Heads of State Regional Administrations in the following oblasts: Dnepropetrovsk - Mykola Shvets, Zaporozhye - Yevhen Kartashov, Poltava - Yevhen Tomin, Chernovtsy - Teofil Bauer.

President have appointed the following persons the Heads of State Regional Administrations in the above oblasts - in Dnepropetrovsk - Volodymyr Yatsuba, in Zaporozhye - Volodymyr Berezovsky, in Poltava - Olexandr Udovychenko, in Chernovtsy - Mykhaylo Romaniv.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at its sitting on July 23 decided to recommend the President to discharge from office the heads of state regional administrations in some oblasts. The decision was connected with recent rush demand on Ukrainian food market and, on the opinion of members of the Cabinet, unsatisfactory work of the heads of these administrations for prevention of price increase for food products.

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