The questions of modern packing of fruit and vegetable commodities arouse a true interest in Ukraine
The participants of the first international conference "Vegetables and Fruits of Ukraine: Market of the New Alternatives" express interest in the issues of packing and long-term storing of fruit and vegetable commodities. This year many farmers had the opportunity to see that packing of fruit and vegetable commodities not only helps to emphasize the attractive looks of the commodity and even to make it better, but also to prevent it from damaging. By commodity packing the farmers - AMP clients could often sell it for higher price, so the expenses for packing were reimbursed over and above.
One of the case studies may be the decision of the farmer - AMP client to pack cabbage in stretch foil and supply it to the supermarket. The whole month before he was trying to sell unpacked cabbage in bulk but no one could offer price higher than the self-cost of the commodity, even if not to take the storage expenses for 5 months into account. As a result the farmer managed to sell almost all cabbage packed in stretch foil on the price twice higher than average on market for that moment. The quality corrugated packaging for fruits and vegetables is also of great demand among the farmers; it is difficult to buy it in Ukraine.
The great interest to the modern types of packing is also observed from the side of wholesale companies which are specialized on fresh fruit and vegetable commodity supplies to the supermarket chains and other retail trade enterprises. However there aren't many of such companies on the Ukrainian market, still the businessmen will undoubtedly pay attention to this market niche. Right at the present moment some companies are planning to invest up to USD $ 5 mln. in the development of fruit and vegetable wholesale trade.
We should note that in the agenda of the first international conference "Vegetables and Fruits of Ukraine: the Market of New Alternatives" the reports of the companies, known in the sphere of fruit and vegetable packing, are foreseen: StePack (Israel-Russia), Petruzalek (Austria), Dunapack-Ukraine, Agropack (Russia). Besides, some other suppliers ready to offer packing materials and equipment will inform the participants of the conference about newest methods for fruit and vegetable commodities packing.